What is a Local Emergency Planning Committee?

The Allen County Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Committee, a Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), was established in 1988. The organization is made up of 30 members who represent community, government and industry. In support of the community’s right-to-know, the committee is a county-wide organization responsible for developing and maintaining a community emergency response plan and receiving information about chemicals used, manufactured and stored in Allen County. As part of this role, LEPC also provides information on actions to be taken by residents should a major incident occur.

The group meets every other month, receives information about the amount and location of hazardous chemicals in the community and develops and annually tests emergency response plans for the community that include alarm systems and Shelter-in-Place information.

The focus of the LEPC is limited to emergency planning for hazardous materials. The Allen County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) handles implementation of these plans. The EMA implements and coordinates emergency plans for hazardous materials incidents as well as for other natural or man-made disasters, such as tornadoes and bomb threats.

The Allen County LEPC and EMA work regularly with industry and the community to ensure that the appropriate emergency response, education and hazard analysis procedures are in place.

Allen County Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Committee

Emergency Planning Actions
Community Warning Systems

Emergency Alert System – immediate emergency broadcasts over 12 radio stations, 3 TV stations and local cable TV system.

Emergency Information System – closed circuit radio system allowing Allen County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) to broadcast emergency information to special populations such as schools, nursing homes, daycare centers.

Community Warning Sirens located within Allen County. Designed to warn persons outdoors to go indoors and tune to local radio and TV for official emergency information. 11 sirens controlled by EMA through 911 dispatch center. 12 operated by local fire districts.

Mobile Alert System to provide additional warning. Police, fire, other emergency vehicles driving through affected areas with sirens on, and in some cases, making special loudspeaker announcements.

Community Information

Informational brochures about Shelter-in-Place and other emergency procedures. Available free through EMA office in the Justice Center.

Speakers from LEPC and EMA available to speak at local civic and community organizations.

Instructions for hazardous materials emergencies, including Shelter-in-Place published in center Area Activity Guide section of Lima/Allen County phone book.

In-school programs from LEPC and EMA inform area students about community warning systems, hazardous materials emergencies, Shelter-in-Place and other topics.